MGI Delta LLC is a firm based in Sofia, Bulgaria offering assurance, accounts, taxation, business advisory and support services to a wide range of businesses and individuals. MGI Delta LLC is registered as an audit firm with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria, which organization is a member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

We are highly educated, well-trained accountants, accounting consultants and tax specialists. Our work is based on the latest technologies and software most suited to provide the best services and solutions to our clients. We also strive to protect the environment by simply using less paper and more computer technology.

As we grew and found that our clients needed support outside the country, we realised that we needed international access. To that end, we joined MGI Worldwide and this global network – top 20 ranked and one of the oldest in the world – supports us and our clients in their markets abroad.

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